SEED4NA Stakeholder Survey
The SEED4NA project ( aims to improve the quality of higher education in North Africa in the fields of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) and Earth Observation (EO), and enhance the relevance of SDI/EO education for the labour market and society.
In order to gain insight in and better understand the skills needs and requirements of professionals and stakeholders in North Africa, SEEDNA has launched a Stakeholder Survey on necessary competences related to SDI and EO.
The survey targets professionals and organizations involved in the production, collection, management and/or use of spatial data and EO data in North African, and in particular at professionals and organizations in Algeria, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia, the four partner countries of the SEED4NA project.
The online survey takes about 20 minutes to complete and will be open until December 31 2020. You can access and complete the survey at:
Eight universities in North Africa are participating in the SEED4NA project and will use the results and findings of this survey to revise their existing courses and develop new courses on SDI, EO and related topics, tailored to the identified needs and requirements. Therefore, the input from North African stakeholders in the geospatial domain is crucial. The survey is also supported by the Regional Center for Remote Sensing of North Africa States.
More information on the survey and the SEED4NA project can be found at the project website ( The SEED4NA project partners would like to thank you in advance for your completing the questionnaire.
Survey on the French can be found here:

Contact us
Leave us a note and we will get back to you for a free consultation
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Glenn Vancauwenberghe (Project coordinator)