The main objective of SEED4NA is to improve the relevance, quality and impact of higher education in North Africa in the fields of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) and Earth Observation (EO). SEED4NA is a unique collaboration between several partners in Europe and North Africa in the domains of geospatial data and earth observation.
SDI & EO topics are introduced into more than 30 courses at North African universities.
SEED4NA developed a multi-faceted training program on SDI and EO teaching and learning.
Vocational Training
The SEED4NA vocational training offer targets professionals in the geospatial domain.
Active collaboration with key stakeholders and organisations in North African countries.
Improving the relevance, quality and impact of education on SDI and EO in North Africa
SEED4NA started as an Erasmus+ Capacity Building for Higher Education project funded under the EC Erasmus+ Programme. Its main aim was to improve the quality of higher education in North Africa in the fields of SDI and EO, and to enhance its relevance for the labour market and society.
The project specifically aimed to:
- develop the required knowledge, skills and competencies on SDI & EO within partner universities;
- help introducing modern SDI & EO courses in engineering and agriculture/forestry studies;
- implement supporting relevant vocational training programmes;
- help partner universities to support the development of SDI in their country and
- promote a European approach to SDI & EO
SEED4NA started and continued as a collaboration between 9 North African and 5 European organisations. The North African partners of SEED4NA are Alexandria University (Egypt), Fayoum University (Egypt), Ibn Zohr University (Morocco), Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II (Morocco), University of Jendouba (Tunisia), University of Carthage (Tunisia), University of Oran 1 Ahmen Ben Bella (Algeria), University Of Science And Technology Houari Boumediene (Algeria) and the Regional Center for Remote Sensing of North Africa States (CRTEAN). The European partners are KU Leuven (Belgium), University of Zagreb (Croatia), University of Twente (Netherlands), Bochum University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and Novogit AB (Sweden).
Contact us
- info@seed4na.eu
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Glenn Vancauwenberghe (Project coordinator)