SEED4NA was involved in the organization of several national and international events, in which the results and outputs of the projects were disseminated to different target groups.

Final SEED4NA Conference in Rabat (Morocco, 2024)
On Monday 8th of January 2024 the Final SEED4NA Conference was held at the Grand Amphi of IAV Hassan 2 in Rabat (Morocco). The event brought together more than 100 participants, who attended several sessions in which the SEED4NA members presented the results and outputs of the project and key stakeholders of the geospatial domain in North Africa shared their views about the impact of the project.

Workshop on Earth Observation and Geospatial Information: Education and Research Perspectives (Algeria, 2023)
From 27 to 29 May 2023, the Faculty of Exact and Applied Sciences of the University of Oran 1 hosted a workshop on geospatial information and its applications with the participation of several members of the SEED4NA project. The workshop highlighted several topics related to current and future trends and technologies in Earth observation and spatial data infrastructures, and effective and innovative GI educational approaches.

ICEOGI 2023 – International Conference on Earth Observation and Geo-spatial Information (Algeria, 2023)
Under the supervision of the Algerian Ministery of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the International Conference on Earth Observation and Geo-spatial Information (ICEOGI 2023) took place in May 22-24, 2023 at the University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algiers, Algeria.

The 3th International Conference & Exhibition Advanced Geospatial Science & Technology (Tunisia, 2022)

SEED4NA Algeria 2021
As part of the SEED4NA project, the University of Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella and the University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB) are co-organizing on Wednesday June 2nd, 2021, an online event on current challenges and requirements of education and research in Geospatial Information Management, Spatial Data Infrastructure and Earth Observation Technologies in Algeria.

Week of GI-Education for the Future (Online, 2021)
The SEED4NA project contributed to the organization of the Week of GI-Education for the Future, a virtual event that brought together teachers, experts, practitioners and students to present and discuss recent advances in GI-education and think about GI-education for the future. The Week of GI-Education was held from Monday 25 January to Thursday 28 January 2021, and consisted of four sessions focusing on specific aspects of innovative GI-education