Kick-off meeting
From 18 to 20 February 2020 the SEED4NA kick-off meeting took place in Leuven. This 3-day meeting, hosted by the KU Leuven University at the Collegium Veteranorum, consisted of several presentations and discussions on the various activities of the SEED4NA project and on the interests and contributions of each of the project partners.
The meeting started with a warm welcome by Glenn Vancauwenberghe, coordinator of the project, and prof. Jos Van Orshoven, the dean of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering and head of the Spatial Applications Division Leuven (SADL). During the first day of the meeting, the partners from the four involved partner countries (Algeria, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia) had the opportunity to present their own organizations, the educational programs and courses they are involved in, and the local skills needs in the domains of GI, SDI and Earth Observation.
On the second day, the European partners involved in the project briefly presented their own organization, and their expected contribution to the project. Afterwards, dedicated sessions were organized presenting the objectives, tasks and deliverables of the various work packages, followed by discussions on key challenges, risks and relevant approaches for each work package.
The third and final day of the meeting fully focused on the management of the project, covering both the overall management and quality management.

Contact us
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- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Glenn Vancauwenberghe (Project coordinator)