Erasmus+ Day at UORAN1
On the occasion of Erasmus Days celebrated on October 13 at the University of Oran 1, Pr. Kaddour, local coordinator of the project, gave a speech entitled “SEED4NA: Designing and Delivering Modernized Courses in EO and
Geomatics for Academia and Professionals”. The event was attended by Pr. Belhakem, the Rector of UORAN1, Pr. Boudour, the Director of the National Erasmus+ Office, Pr. Iles, Vice-Rector for External Relations, and also many teachers and students from UORAN1 and other HEIs located in the city of Oran. The presentation of SEED4NA attracted a lot of attention from the local community due to its multidisciplinarity and relevance to many application domains. Pr. Kaddour shares its experience from SEED4NA on setting up and executing CBHE projects. Pr. Boudour gave a detailed overview on Erasmus+ opportunities and results in Algeria. He also presented a dedicated web platform for the national academic community to facilitate access and applications to Erasmus+ programs. Pr. Lebbah presented an overview on CUPAGIS, an Erasmus+ CBHE targeting education on Precision Agriculture, in which UORAN1 is involved. The event has been closed by various testimonies from students who benefited from Erasmus+ mobility scholarships.
Here you can find presentation of SEED4NA from Erasmus + Days.

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- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Glenn Vancauwenberghe (Project coordinator)