Analysis of current SDI/EO education at the partner universities

One of the key tasks in the first stage of the project, which deals with the preparation of the environment for design SDI/EO curricula, is the investigation of existing education in the domains of SDI and earth observation at the eight partner universities in North Africa. After the identification of relevant courses, the higher education institutions in the partner countries described their SDI and EO-related courses in a standardized manner, providing information on key characteristics such as the content of the course, the learning objectives and the applied teaching methods.


In total, 39 relevant courses have been identified and described by the North African partners. These courses will be further analyzed by the University of Zagreb, who is leading this task. Aim is not only to better understand the current offer of SDI/EO education at the partner universities, but also to identify components that could be integrated into the SEED4NA curriculum on SDI and EO. The work on this task is almost completed, and results will be published soon.

This project has received funding from the Erasmus + capacity building in higher education under projec reference number 610328-EPP-1 -2019-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

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